Sunday, December 19, 2010

the good things in life: a recap

as the semester comes to a close, i reflect upon the one assignment  that has been my achilles heel: the things I cannot live without, or as I have since renamed, the good things in life...
this exercise was initially thought to encompass all; family, friends, food, etc. However following a thorough reading of the assignment sheet, it became apparent that the responses should inform or influence our architectural thought.

SIMPLICITY: architecture is a complex web of science and art, yet the most successful projects are those which read and are felt in the simplest ways. it is intended to be experienced and interpreted by all; not codified so that only architects understand.

TENSION: there lays, in architecture, a constant tension between light and shadow, new and old, fragile and solid, human and machine. in essence, tension is what tunes the body's receptiveness to a specific spatial experience.

REFLECTION: an essential aspect of my being. moments of reflection have grown ever-important as life continues to become more and more hectic. deep within, there is an increasing desire to capture and analyze these moments. where does it take place? what is the status of the mind? can it be recreated?

PRESENCE: a term heavily influenced by Michael Benedikt and his book, "For an Architecture of Reality". it is an architecture which is comfortable being a pure architectural expression. it need not be art nor an engineering feat, it must just command presence, much like a an actor on a stage.

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