Tuesday, September 28, 2010

collage me montage-round uno

This exercise is an abstract exorcism of our preconceived thesis topics. We were asked to investigate three topics pertaining to architecture and space, where the resultant work should be  a clear graphic definition of the chosen words, hopefully capturing the architectural experience. Out of sixteen words, I was interested in "Passage of Time", "Color" and "Procession".

PASSAGE.of.TIME: by far the hardest definition for me to define, but the dictionary lists it formally as "a continuous course, process, or progress; a connected or continuous series". while this was adequate for the assignment, i found myself more intrigued by the human perception of the passage of time, which is where i came upon Andy Rooney's bi-weekly rant...

COLOR|ˈkələr|: the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way the object reflects or emits;  vividness of visual appearance resulting from the presence of brightly colored things.

PROCESSION|prəˈse sh ən|: a number of people or vehicles moving forward in an orderly fashion, esp. as a part of a ceremony or festival; relentless succession of people or things.

with definition(s) in hand, the time came to produce graphically compelling collages and/or montages.

passage of time: composition of digital images taken during various times of day.

passage of time: process involved taking multiple photographs of burning candle. composition of seventeen translucent photographs layered upon each other.

color: composition of digital image with a stained-glass effect.

color: composition of digital image with adjustment in hue and saturation.

procession: process involved the making of origami butterflies. composition of layered digital images depicting steps of construction.

procession: composition of spray-paint on canvas.

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